...I'm here, barely.
- I'm back to work...that's chaotic. Three IEP's to write, 1 student to test & his IEP to write, 3 new students to fit into my schedule, and something else....oh, yeah--TEACH.
- I'm not in love with taking my baby to the sitter. I am in love with our sitter...I trust her& Natalee's adjusting well, but I just hate leaving her.
- Our church needs a Children's Minister. It's not me...I will be addressing this issue soon with the appropriate people and hopefully relieving myself of many duties. I did not sign up for a full-time volunteer position. I love the children and love the programs and love helping with them, but I can't do it all. Thanks to all of you who are helping me keep things afloat in this area--you know who you are!
So, let's sum things up...I'm slightly (or very) whiny, overbooked, overburdened and a little grouchy. I'm feeling like a bad mommy b/c I'm leaving my baby with a sitter and a bad teacher b/c I'm there but I'd rather be at home with my baby. I'm feeling pressure from everywhere...so many people want a piece of so much of me & the things I hold dear--my time, my baby, my hubby, myself. It's 9:08 and the first time I actually sat down and took a breath today was approximately 8:08. That said, I have Sonlight postcards to draw up tonight, Natalee's valentines to quickly finish up for her party tomorrow, a shower to take, laundry to fold, and a house to tidy. My baby is sleeping on my shoulder because I want to "spend time" with her. Her daddy stayed home with her tonight so she could have some continuity of routine and just 'lax with at least one parent in her own home. It's been an adjusting week for her, too--she's doing beautifully but even the best babies deserve 1-on-1 time with a parent at home.
So, I'll take my whiny self and be off. I hope my next post isn't this depressing and I sincerely apologize for this one being as such. To be honest it's just all I got to share tonight--I'm tapped out. So take my depression or leave it...goodnight dears.
you're a good momma and a good teacher..don't be so hard on yourself. We've all gone thru this.
It will all work out fine. Don't worry about the laundry and the house too much. Babies grow up so fast. Mine turns 17 on valentines day!
Let me know if you need help at school! I know it's a lot to take in the first week back b/c so much went on while you were gone. Sorry for feeding you to the sharks the first week back. Let Lynnette take care of the one, and let me know if you need help with the others!
I know this isn't helpful or comforting but it will get easier. I would say take my approach to work and just stop caring about being behind, but there are children involved and I've met you so I know that won't be happening. Hope your week gets better.
P.S. check out Vicki Howells blog on my Blog list she has a pattern for Baby Legs. Made me think of you.
Just leave all the rest...the laundry, tiding, etc. I can help with the cards if you need me to. As for the shower, please take one! Hang in there!
Don't feel bad--we've all had moments like that, and what are friends for if not to listen when we need it! I'm not one for 'fair-weather friends'. :) Saying a prayer for you today. It's hard to set priorities and decide what is absolutely most important, but you'll get it. Don't forget to spend time in God's Word--that has to stay high on the list even if other things get sacrificed. :)
hang in there!!! hoping you find some relief soon!! the worst part for me was feeling guilty ("for letting people done")!! please try to keep yourself from that! it's so much better to just make your decisions, say your "no's", make your boundaries and move on your jolly way doing what you feel is best!!! :)
*down* not 'done'
you will make it! you are great at everything you do, if you weren't you wouldn't be soooo wanted:) each week will get better! trust me:O
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