Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bumbo Baby

Here she is...SO BIG! She's so proud of herself!
I love how she's looking right up at me and that her big grin has little cheek dimples!
(big sigh) Do they all grow up this fast?


Anonymous said...

yes... :(
she holds her head up so good; i don't think it's too early for the bumbo for short periods! it's so good for them to be upright held or in the bumbo - they can see and learn so much more! :) (lf was in her bumbo this early!)
what a doll!!!!!

Amee Jones said...

I am afraid they do. Just wait... This time next year she will be running around and won't even fit anymore.

Andrea Frederick said...

I love her personality...with this one it's ALL or NOTHING....she give every grin all she's got!...and usually has one for Nannie. So sweet!

Bree Shaw said...

what a beautiful smile:)