Sunday, February 1, 2009

Am I...

...the only creepo that looks at the backgrounds of other people's pictures? You know what I mean...someone puts up a picture of their kid in the living room and you look at how the living room is organized. I'm intrigued by other people's arranging of furniture, organization, etc. And I also think about these things when I'm taking pictures of Natalee. I will kick clutter out of the way so you think my house is super tidy in the picture.

And now you know the rest of the story!


Bree Shaw said...

i notice the background too. i don't think of it when i am taking a picture though. i need to maybe do that.

Corin said...

I notice the background to but unfortunately never think of it when I'm taking pictures. I have this really great picture of Steve and Levi playing on the floor. In the background the tv is on and I'm not sure what we are watching but it looks like a mosh pit or something. Everytime I look at that picture I notice it and wish I had turned off the tv before taking it.

Shonya said...

Oh Jenn, don't kick the clutter out of the way my friend! You will get a HUGE kick out of the clutter in years to come. :) Besides that, there will be things you get rid of that you forget about, and then in 10 years you see it in the background of a picture and it brings back the memories of where you got it/who bought it/whatever.

How do you like my excuse for my own laziness?? :)

Anonymous said...

I agree. I notice things in the backgrounds as well. I do not think of it however when i m taking pictures.