Sunday, April 27, 2008


feeling anxious about starting my new job building, new co-workers, new students, new curriculum,...a lot to think about. mixed with the anxiety is some excitement at getting a fresh start in a new place, but at this point the feeling is mostly anxiety. i'm a little worried about going into a classroom where there will probably be no sub plans and i'll be expected to just 'jump in.' i'm sure i can do it but it won't be easy!

anxiety does not sit well with my pregnant tummy. i've fought little boughts of naseua that i hope go by the wayside this first week at my new job...coupled with the queasiness has been absurd cravings--spaghetti for lunch (yum!), cereal for snack, grilled cheese & chicken noodle soup for supper. looking back, no wonder my tummy hurts! to get my beauty sleep so i can get up early & start my new life! pray for me!


Andrea Frederick said...

You'll do fine...good luck

breanna said...

can't wait to hear how it went!! you are awesome- you'll be great!! :)

Andrea Frederick said...

fyi...this purple is really hard to read at some computers.