Sunday, February 9, 2020

Valentine's Party

On Friday, the 7th, we went down and celebrated Valentine's Day with our Missouri co-op.  We took valentines to share with our friends, made valentine boxes, and enjoyed stations, food, playing, and visiting.
We took chocolate covered pretzel rods to share and play-doh, paper chain lovebirds/hearts, and paper heart airplanes as stations to share.
Truthfully the kids all enjoyed each other so much that the activities weren't as populated as you might think.  They organized games of duck-duck-gooses and other things that they could play as a large group altogether.  They also ran and hollered and enjoyed their time together.
I have germ anxiety, but tried to be as chill as I could be among a crowd.  Ev kangarooed on me or rode in the stroller for most of the day.  She was a very good girl.

 32ish friends to share valentines with...

Annie, Jenn, and I all had little girls within weeks of each other.  Ev is 5 months old, Kadence is 6 months old, and baby Martha is 3 months old.
Here we all are this summer when we were expecting.  My land was I swollen.

Lunch time!

Natalee made a horse for her box this year.  Very cute!
Xavier made a baseball field, that the kids have decided to keep an add to their imaginative play station downstairs.
I worked way too hard on
Beeler Field...
B.L.I.S.S. Academy jersey...
Mia saw this box at Dollar Tree and set her heart on it to decorate as a jewelry box.  It was on the small side but she was very happy with it which made me very happy.  And she won the award for easiest child to work with this year.
Zayden made an Optimus Prime with Daddy!
It was worth the drive to see everyone and be a part of a group again.

We got home a little after 3 and the kids immediately jumped into their Valentine boxes to see what everyone sent.  They enjoy the different character cards and all the treats so much!

Friday was a good day.  We enjoyed our time with friends very much.

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