Baby Evie would like to be in a hurry to grow up and Daddy and I are so in a desperate pull to keep her little. She has shown signs of readiness to try some foods for a few weeks now, and Dr. Heather gave the clear at her 4 month appointment, but I've continued to drag my feet because she's my little baby.
We actually did try a couple bites of peas shortly after her 4 month appointment but nothing consistently, just for fun.
January 8, 2020 - peas
This week I started giving her just a little something at breakfast if she seems interested. It almost breaks my heart to let her be this big, but goodness this big girl enjoys her some food.
2.1.2020 prunes
Evalynn is always nursed first, before she is offered any other food. She's not forced or coerced into finishing her bowl and is allowed to explore and enjoy however she wants. While I was grocery shopping last weekend, I grabbed some avocados for her and, like everything else she loves them.
Tonight while I was working the rest of the avocados up for the freezer, I gave her some on her tray. She mashed it with her hands and a spoon, stirred it around a bit, and then scooped it into her mouth with her fingers.
She thoroughly enjoyed herself and kept busy for over a half hour. Then, she had a bath.
I don't know what theory of baby raising I fall into these days. I've done it all. Foods at four months, homemade purees, baby led weaning, food before 1 is just for fun...we've formula fed and breastfed and pumped and here's what I've decided...The one thing I messed up in raising our other kids is I didn't enjoy them enough. I let all those decisions and what people thought of me weigh on my mind and my heart way too much. So here we are, enjoying the heck out of this messy, busy baby, who tonight tried to steal the burger right off of my plate. I just hate that it took me this long to get to this place.
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