Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Beeler Review 2019

So many attempts at getting a Christmas card picture.

Most of our friends have Facebook and follow our blog, but for the few that don't I sent a "review" letter in their Christmas cards.  
The Beeler Review – 2019
January was a whirlwind of survival.  We schooled, had family games nights, snuggled, and just were.  We did travel to St. Louis to the cerebral palsy clinic at the children’s hospital to get a new team plan for Natalee.  We received scripts for OT, PT, and shoe orthotics at that visit and talked a lot about pain management.
February brought more school.  It was also the month we announced we were {surprise} expecting baby #5.  I was 3 months along at the end of the month and feeling tired and nauseous.  We had a couple of co-op activities with fellow homeschoolers.
March 16th brough our first weenie roast!  We were desperate for spring!  We began doctoring with Xavier for some leg pain and turned in foot and as of writing this (mid Dec) we still don’t have definite answers.  We saw an orthopedist and neurologist but have him scheduled to see Natalee’s neurologist in the new year.  We also celebrated Ameliya turning 5 at the end of March.
In April we found out that baby #5 was a girl.  We played more games, had a swimming field trip with our co-op, and enjoyed the days that were sunny.  Mike also celebrated a birthday.
May sent us back to St. Louis for an overnight stay and another visit to the cerebral palsy clinic.  Zayden also had a damaged tooth pulled at the dentist, I (Jenn) traveled to Iowa City with Natalee for another specialist appointment, and Natalee got casted for her DAFOs with overnight stretchers.  May felt like a lot of appointments!
By June I was getting pretty round.  Baseball began for Xavier and that kept us busy.  Zayden got the chicken pox! and missed our trip to Dream Night at the Zoo in Des Moines that was for differently abled children.  I slipped away with 4 friends to a homeschool conference and felt revived and excited for the new school year!  Xavier turned 9 at the end of June.
July brought us the knowledge that we were pretty sure we were moving.  Mike took for us a rental house near campus in Oskaloosa and our house in Lancaster was in the process of selling.  I was big and hot and trying not to be grumpy.  The children all took a week of private swim lessons, Natalee went to Girls’ Camp for the 3rd year in a row, and Xavier had more neurology appointments and tests.  My spare time was spent packing boxes.
In August, Ameliya had a one year urology check-up in Iowa City and was declared HEALTHY!  We are so thankful.  We waited all the month long for baby #5 to come, it seemed.  While we waited, we packed and packed and packed some more.  Eleven years and {almost} 7 people’s stuff needed to come out of our little house in Lancaster and find its way to new homes or to our new place in Iowa.  It was exhausting.  Finally, at the end of the month, on the 29th day of August, Evalynn Nancy joined our family.  She is pure joy and we are thankful that God knew we needed her when we didn’t.
September was simply chaotic.  It was moving month, Mike had to work a week of nights, we had a newborn, and my body did not recover easily.  I was on light duty, minimal lifting, which is tough when you’re moving.  Did I mention we were moving?  Ha.  Thank you to all our family and friends who just did it.  We’re so grateful.  At the end of September, we cleaned that sweet little Lancaster house one last time, said a tearful good-bye to it, and turned it over to a new owner.
In October I cried a lot.  Moving, post-partum hormones, and overwhelming anxiety all had their grips on me.  We unpacked, we explored a little, and we held on tightly to each other.  We began our official homeschool year in October.  Towards the end of the month, we had an overnight trip to Quincy, IL to see a play and stay at a hotel with a pool.  It was the break we needed.  I also had an overnight get-away with my mom and sisters to celebrate mom’s birthday.  October brought the first snow with it, and we were grateful Mike wasn’t driving in it for the first time in six years.
In November we finally started to find a bit of a rhythm.  I celebrated everyday joys again, and started accepting what is, instead of what used to be or what is to come.  Zayden turned 4 in November and enjoyed every second of being the birthday boy.  We gave thanks with our families and each other and did a fair amount of driving back and forth between Iowa and Missouri. 
It is December.  Natalee has just turned 11 and is less a little girl every day.  I have celebrated another trip around the sun and lived to tell about it, although some days I wasn’t sure I would!  Evalynn will soon be 4 months old and is a precious baby.  The holiday season is upon us and the children are excited.  We are looking forward to time with family and a slower pace for a couple of weeks with Daddy off work.  Not living in the same town as our families has made us (me especially) appreciate and yearn for the time we do get with them. 
We are thankful for all of you and wishing you the a joyous and happy 2020.  If you are friends and family who have stuck with us these last couple of years, we thank you, so very much.  They haven’t felt easy living in them, but we are sure it hasn’t been easy to be our support people either.  God’s love, and ours, to each and every one of you.
Much Love,
Mike and Jenn
Natalee Cynthia, Xavier Micheal, Ameliya Darby, Zayden Samuel, Evalynn Nancy

We also did updated photos for the grandparents frames.

We finally settled on this PJ photo for Christmas cards.  It had the least goofy faces.  Ha.
Here's to a blessed 2020!

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