Sunday, December 29, 2019

Christmas at Papa Curtis's and Grandma Num's

On Christmas day we drove down to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family.  It was a beautifully loud and chaotic time, just the way I like it.

Calm before the chaos...
Ev starting the present opening...
We were all enjoyed giving and receiving gifts with our family.
A baby for baby pants...
Mia was so excited for her own lamp!  She also got Spirit horse sheets - now everyone has new sheets!
Nannie had picture proof that I dressed Evie cute at one point.  Then she got hot...
Grandpa got all younger boys Bumblebee remote control transformers!
Smart plugs!  I can control things from my phone!
Theo "helping" Uncle Mike.  Also, Zayden was so excited to give that Dizzy Super Wing to Theo.
The older kids got group gifts from both my sisters' families.  From Lauren and Lance they all get to do a Picture This clothes design and get to have their own piece of clothing printed.  From Nannie and Vance they got a slack line set with all the accessories (rings, etc.)  We have just the slack line part set up and they love it already.  It'll be so good for exercise, strength building, and dare devil schemes!  Zayden says it's a ninja warrior set.
We gave Theo dress up clothes!  (Did you see a theme in my shopping?....every child from Natalee's age down got dress up clothes.)
This picture Lauren took of him in the Buzz costume is maybe my favorite.
A new bike for Mr. Xavier!  He puts the miles on them.  Definitely a much appreciated gift!
Trying it out!  I was afraid it would look so big for him, but it's perfect!
And a bike for Theo!
Zayden throwing the paper out of Nannie's gift bag.  LOL

After gifts it was time for food, games, and playing.  The boys played Bumblebees until the adults thought we'd go crazy, and then switched to Rescue Bots and super heroes.
Big cousins are so fun!
Speaking of big cousins....
This suit Lauren and Lance got Colby...
Zayden, Mia, and Theo got these lanterns in their stockings... I love this picture.
That feeling you get when you think you're a good mom and then your baby lifts her double chins.  Fuzzy dirty neck.  I promise she's clean.  LOL.  It's just slobber + clothes lint.
 We look almost magestic with the light playing on the ceiling.
Ev and Papa...
Love these teens...
Crashing for a nap...
Cousin picture!
With Grandma and Papa.  Check out that sunset!
The two that started it all....what a legacy they have built!
My tribe...
(also, I'm trying not to be jealous of my sister's super good phone camera pictures...)
And then a go at getting us all.  He he he...

Time to say good-bye...
I hope they are always best friends.
I got to ride home with a Christmas bike in my shoulder blade.  Hashtag.blessed.  LOL
Seriously, it was a sweet day full of loud and memories and smiles and laughter.  Thank you, Mom and Dad, for bringing us together and helping us spend a day loving each other.

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