On Sunday, November 8th, in the evening, I had Mike help me with a couple of easy Spinning Babies exercises to try to get our little man turned just right enough that labor would engage well. I'd had hard contractions for two weeks by then and was getting weary and tired of the waiting. I was anxious to meet our newest addition and to get past the labor and delivery and on to the snuggling and holding. The exercises combined with some time on a yoga ball finally put me into labor. Mike caught a quick nap while I labored on the couch for a few hours before waking Mike, calling Mom to come stay with the other three, and heading to the hospital.
We called my delivery buddy and sister, Lauren, to meet us at the hospital and checked into our room in the wee hours of the morning. My labor was "easy" if there is such a thing - I was able to talk, visit and even rest between contractions and breathe easily through the contractions.
Shortly before 7 a.m. I felt "the pressure" and knew it was about time to push. Delivery itself was not quick and easy as Xavier and Ameliya's had been. I had to get mental with myself to get the job done - to convince myself I was designed for this and could indeed handle it. It was hard.
Zayden Samuel came into our world big and bold at 7:17 a.m. on Monday, November 9th.
My sis and my nurses helped me tuck him in my tank top for immediate skin to skin time. We chose to do delayed cord clamping as a benefit to a healthy Zayden.
He nursed straight away like a little champion. I was dealing with a lot of after birth pains so Mike got his snuggle time in a little earlier than he did with Ameliya.
When we weighed him, Zayden was a whopping 9 pounds 3.8 ounces and 20" long. Our biggest baby. So.many.rolls. His stomach measured bigger around than his head - thus the tough delivery!
He is simply perfect. He's worth all the pain and fatigue I've had. I had some post delivery trouble with bleeding and low blood pressure that left me a little light in the head and a lot worn out for several days following delivery, however, he's still worth it. I'm slowly getting my steam back and we're adjusting to this sweet new addition. Zayden Samuel - you are loved and wanted. We're blessed to have you!
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