Thursday, November 19, 2015

Days of Cuteness

The week has been full of cuteness.  It's hard to not want to record every moment, and all too convenient to do so with this age of smart phones and technology.  I wasn't quite up to church on Sunday so Zayden and I stayed home.  We snuggled, wrote some thank you's, did minimal cleaning, and snuggled some more. 
Don't you want to smooch him?  He's so cute!

Zayden is doing very well in his tummy tub for bath time.  He hasn't had a ton of baths because he was quite dry when he was born but the few he has had he's loved the tummy tub!

This is the picture I used for his newspaper birth announcement...sweet peaceful boy.

He loves to be swaddled for bedtime!

We call him The Prince because he's quite royal acting and looking.  {grin}

Sigh.  The pictures will a couple of years, I imagine. 

But listen to this squeaky sleeper...oh my heart...

1 comment:

Shonya said...

Way too much adorableness here!