The Prince is three weeks old today. Today was a little bit of a tougher must be growth spurt time for the little champ because he spent the day eating and cat-napping...only cat naps because then he needed to eat again! He is staying awake for longer stretches and, after the older three were in bed tonight, we spent some time playing on the floor. He even gave Mama a couple of smiles...what a handsome sweetheart.
Cutest smile ever??? For certain!
I love him so...
Zayden is wearing 0-3 month clothes still (for another week at least!), his hair is so sweet, and his eyes are bright and shiny when he's awake. He's finding his voice - both his coos and his cries - and learning that making noise (either kind!) gets him fast attention around here.
He's starting to stretch out his legs, wave his arms, and open his hands instead of staying all curled and balled up.
It's been a great, fast three weeks. Life is a little chaotic right now, but we're finding our groove. The kids are back to school full time, Ameliya is living life large and in charge, and Zayden is hanging in for the ride! We love you, Little Man...never doubt that, no matter how upside down-y things feel here, that YOU were meant to be a perfect part of our upside down-y circle!