Four years ago, when it was a presidential election year, I contacted our county clerk and, with her assistance, organized a Mock Election for our local homeschool group. We again find ourselves in a presidential election year, and I really was feeling the itch for a mock election. I just kept thinking about how beneficial it is for the children to see the election process and be comfortable with exercising their right to vote, and I really wanted my kids to get to experience it. However, since I haven't really integrated up here, I again contacted the county clerk in our old area and asked for her help. I also touched based with a couple of Missouri friends and made sure Mike could be off work before committing, because I knew I would need help.
Our county clerk, Bree, again did a large bulk of the work for the actual election part of the event. Chelsie did all of the decorating and balloon drop set up the night before, and then several of us brought activity stations for the kids to do while we all took turns voting. Many hands made light work and the morning went great!
We started with a welcome, and then I read the kids two books. Four years ago when we were planning the mock election the other parents and I had a lengthy discussion about what we should have the kids vote on. We decided that the election process was our focus and chose to have the kids vote between two books instead of two presidential candidates. I stuck with that this year and I think it's a good way to run it - to keep political differences off the table.
This year's books were I Say Ooh, You Say Aah and This Is Owl. Both are interactive stories and very fun and lighthearted.
After we read the books, the children started freely rotating around the craft/activity stations (all patriotic themed) while parents took their kids over to vote.
After everyone had voted, Bree let the kids come over to watch her shut down the machine. She printed our official results, but they went into my pocket to be announced later.
The next activity was a patriotic scavenger hunt around town for everyone. Our attendees broke up into groups - some as families, some as friends, some as a mix, and headed out. While they did the scavenger hunt a couple of us went back and quickly tidied the craft tables up.
A silly group photo was on the scavenger hunt list!As the kids trickled back in I had suckers or a chocolate for the "winners" of the scavenger hunt. In the end everyone got a treat.
Once all the groups were back in, we announced the winner. A TIE VOTE! How fun that it was an even split! When the winner was announced Jake pulled the balloon drop cord and showered the kids with red, white, and blue.
Balloons are so festive.
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