Sunday, September 6, 2020

Week in the Life {1st Fun Friday, Sweet Brother Moment, 1st Week of School}

On Sunday, August 30th, I took Evie's one year photos and we prepped for the start of school.

Monday, August 31st brought a beautiful first day of school for B.L.I.S.S. Academy. 

Tuesday, September 1st was down to business with school after breakfast.
 Mom stayed up too late Monday and needed a little coffee to get going.  As soon as Evie went down for nap, the younger two and I got right to work while the older two did their independent subjects.
Everyone working hard!
Zayden and Ameliya made scrolls to go along with their read aloud.
Brain break for Zayden - gonoodle dancing.
Evie got to play with animal counters when she took a break from tornadoing the house.
Mia's working through some Starfall reading practice on the computer.
Xavier led the group in a round of sound-o.
baby book time!
Free reading while he waits for mom to move on to history.
Evie didn't want to wake up from naptime but mom insisted so she'd be ready for bed.
Natalee had PT followed by an OT session where she worked on auditory exercises.  We are already seeing the fruit of her hard work at therapy!  Also, she loves that swing.

Wednesday, September 2nd
Natalee had a hippotherapy session early after lunch, so we got busy Wednesday morning after breakfast.  Mia loves her work on the phonics ferris wheel, blending sounds and making words.
Zayden experimented with pushing hard on one of his crayons and broke it.  That's a lesson learned the hard way.
The children continued their study of around the world, starting in the United States by coloring a US map and flag.  I challenged them to not let the same color touch as they colored in the states.
Hippotherapy time!  Natalee did a new thing - standing up in the stirrups.  Such strength!
Making time for Evie everyday - trying to ensure she doesn't feel lost in the shuffle.

Thursday, September 3rd
School feels somewhat of a routine and we're enjoying our time learning.  We moved our calendar this year and just a new location makes it feel a little fresher!  It's in the hall, along with laminated maps of the USA and world that are fun to reference frequently.
The around the world craft for week one was making paper doll chains symbolizing children around the world holding hands.
Keeping these 2 as busy as they want to be has been a bit of a challenge, so mom is trying to use her brain to keep them engaged but having fun.  Game time!
Beautiful weather meant supper outside!  Meatballs in mushroom gravy and rice with veggies!  One of mom's favorite.
Evie approved.

Friday, September 4th
We are trying to set aside Fridays for fun and fine arts. 
We started with a loooooong walk and stopped at the empty park to play.
I caught this very sweet moment of a dear friend and younger brother - a lifelong support and encourager - sometimes a bit of a pesty little brother, but always a caretaker, helping his sister across the tree stumps. {and my tears did mist}
When we got back I got Evalynn down for her nap and we started in on "fun and fine arts."  Zayden chose the spiral name craft I had presented.
Natalee and Xavier tried their hand at the calligraphy kit that came with their Eastern Hemisphere history curriculum.  They made ink from the ink stone and used horse hair brushes to attempt Mandarin characters.
Such a pretty set.
Zayden's completed project.  He worked so hard!
Mia and Xavier chose to try their hand at the loom weaving set that Aunt Beth gifted us.  For their first project they chose to make coasters.
Continuing fun Friday.....
I got out the tent as Daddy was getting home and we set it all up.  Mike was a good sport and slept in it with the kids both Friday and Sunday nights!
Evie and I slept in the house but she thought it was fun to play in.
Ni night my sweets.

We spent Saturday, September 5th, just enjoying life, the weather, each other, and knowing Daddy was going to have a long Labor Day weekend!

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