Saturday, August 15, 2020

Birthday Sandbox!

Evalynn turns ONE on August 29th.  In the year of a pandemic, there will be no big party but we will certainly celebrate this precious girl!  She has brought so much sunshine to our family.  After a lot of thought, we decided that this little mess maker might like a sandbox for her birthday.  We left our other one in Missouri when we sold the house so we haven't had once since we got here.  Evie loves dirt and digging and isn't afraid to be a mess so we thought she might love the sand.
The boys put her sandbox together and our friend Taaf hauled us in a (literal) ton+ of sand.  Even though it's not her birthday yet we decided to just let her have it.  For one - it's in the yard.  Ha.  But also - two more weeks to enjoy it!
She wasn't a bit timid.
We found sand in her -everywhere places-. Ha.
All of the other kids are enjoying Evie's birthday gift, too.  Probably, she likes it so well because they joined her in play and she sure loves her people.
See, mama?
Happy little sandy feet.
Happy early birthday, little Evie Lynn.

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