Monday, May 20, 2019

Zayden "Loses" a Tooth

Our tiny 3 year old had his first tooth pulled today following his first dental exam a couple weeks ago.
It was less a "pull" and more an extraction, and I'm so proud of this little champion.  He didn't flinch once.  I wasn't feeling tops today emotionally, and wish I'd had someone to hold my hand, but as it turned out, Zayden didn't need my support nearly as much as I thought he might.

Here he is last night - one last picture with all his teeth.
His mouth is so tiny - toothy smiles are hard!

Prepped and ready.

I chuckle at his sweet little one-tooth-less smile.  Moreover, he has a teeny little lisp now, and that's the sweetest.
Sweet Sam, I'm sorry Mommy didn't realize you'd had an ouchie tooth!  I'm thankful the dentist was able to help us get it all better and I love your little gap.  I'm so proud of you today - you are so strong!

The tooth fairy found him!

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