Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Overnight Get-Away

Last week I called our cerebral palsy clinic and asked them if we could move Natalee's appointment up from July to discuss some pain management needs that I didn't want to put off for two more months.
They surprised me by getting us in on Monday.  Since we were already going to be an hour east at Theo's birthday party I decided to treat the family to a hotel suite to have a little fun.  We all needed this, desperately, mom included.

When we loaded after Theo's party I said everyone needed to nap.  Zayden said, "but I not tired...."
Three minutes later

We were able to get a nice price on a suite (2 connected rooms - living room with pull-out and bedroom) that suited our needs with the bonus of breakfast in the morning and a pool.  I was surprised when we got there and they were having "anytizers."  We called it supper and everyone was happy (mom most especially because we didn't have to drag back out again for supper).
Daddy also enjoyed his complimentary drink ticket (wink)...

After we ate we all got swim ready.  This was the activity the kids were looking forward to the most.
I got my suit on but after they said the water wasn't particularly warm I opted out of actually getting in.  I stayed designated as lifeguard and potty runner.
swimming outside...crazies!
The pool was busy when we got there but we outlasted the other families and eventually had it to ourselves.
potty break with Mr. Goggle Eyes...
Zayden got tired first so I took him up to shower and had him all cleaned up by the time the others came up with Daddy.  After showers and jammies we had snack (popcorn, courtesy of the hotel and cookies Lauren sent from Theo's birthday party), vitamins, probiotics, teeth brushing, and late bedtime!
The kids were excited about the bed accommodations for the night.
The girls were on the pull-out, Xavier on a roll-away, and Zayden was going to sleep on that long footrest but mom ended up chickening out and making him a pallet on the floor.  I put him beside our bed with the anticipation that he'd crawl in sometime in the night but he was too tired, I think.  I didn't sleep great and finally got out of bed around 6:30 and lifted him in next to Daddy and he snuggled right up.
Everyone else slept soundly with a fun day behind them and the anticipation of a busy day the next day.

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