Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Theo Sleepover

We got to have a Theo sleepover.  The little boys stayed busy, busy, busy for a solid 24 hours.  It's so fun to see how much they like being together!
The weather was drippy on Saturday but we did some porch playing for fresh air.
Lunch picnic!  And a show.  Because boys are loud.  HA!
Wrestling with Daddy/Uncle Mike...
Mike was in and out with the big kids - I can't even remember what all they were up to that day.  I did text him Saturday afternoon and say "these twin tornadoes want to go on a bike trailer ride!"  He came and gave me 20 minutes of quiet before bringing these little sillies back...just enough time to ready supper and baths and PJS. :)
Sweet clean boys in PJS doing puzzles.
We let them sleep together on the futon for bedtime and then moved them upstairs when we went up.  Are they not the sweetest?

Sunday was sunnier and our church was holding worship outside.  Outside church is perfect for little boys.
After church it was off to Grandma and Papa's for lunch...Lauren and Lance got back mid-afternoon, and although I think Theo had loads of fun he was glad to see mom and dad!
I love these goons.

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