Monday, September 3, 2018

Kandinsky Art

I've scheduled "fine art Fridays" for us for school, but Friday Daddy was home and Mommy did errands, which meant Friday kind of went out the window, SO we did art tonight before bedtime.  I have a goal this year of doing better with art instruction.
I chose an artist (Kandinsky) and idea from our Usborne Art Treasury book.
We read a little history about Kandinsky and then followed the steps in the book to complete our project.  It was a nice assignment, because it led them to complete a "Kandinsky-ish" project but gave them freedom in choosing their own colors and designs.  
First, they drew circles upon circles in each of their 6 boxes using oil pastels.
Daddy and I did a project, too.  The kids really like it when we participate, and who can't use a little art therapy?
Natalee designed a box of circles for each family member, using colors they liked.  She's thoughtful..
Xavier liked LOTS of circles!
I was impressed at this 2 1/2 year old's direction following abilities!
This little 4 year old held her own with this project, too!
After we did our circles, we painted over them with liquid watercolors, putting a different color in each box.
The children had to mix colors to get the secondary colors.  More things to learn!
The completed projects are very cute.  I wish I was better at knowing how to display the children's art work.

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