Sunday, October 29, 2017

University Farm Field Trip

The university near us has a lovely farm and I arranged for our homeschool co-op to take a fall field trip there last Tuesday.  The weather was almost miserably cold and windy but we grinned and handled it.  Actually, my crew had a lot of fun despite the cold.

Zayden and his buddy, Callen...
 + Silas...quite a trio!

 We got to use an apple cider press and taste cider,

take a hay ride to the horse barns to learn about the horses from a high school class of students and their teacher....
walk through a corn maze, and then ride the hay wagon over to the pumpkin field to pick a pumpkin.
It was cold but it was a great experience and we will definitely ask Mr. Bill if we can come back next year!

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