Friday, November 17, 2017

Friendly Farewell

Some of our dear friends moved away last month and so, in their last couple of weeks here, we soaked up as much time together as we could.  Saying good-bye was not easy in the least...these were the first real friends to embrace us in the homeschool circle, to seek out our friendship when we were awkward and uncertain, and to show us that friendship was intentional, as was their love.  The loss of their presence in our day to day lives is definitely felt.

We got together and let the children do some nature paintings, and finished the night with soup and sandwiches when our hubbies arrived.
{little boys and trucks}
{little boys looking out the window}
 Friend Pictures!

From their going away party...
These pictures are from our last morning of playing hooky and slipping away to the park...a cool and breezy morning, but a treasured one.

{little boys and matching scoot n zooms}
 The boys had a big time in the sand!
Xavier had a very important "first" this day.  He rode his bike all the way to the park.  Of course, I flagged behind him, but it was still a big thing for a young boy!

Luckily for us, our friends were gone only a week before returning to town to tie up loose ends, so we got the benefit of a play morning only a week after they moved.  However, the adjustment is still happening.  One child asked me this week to invite them to do our Thanksgiving study, and Ameliya told me to "run over to Shela's" to borrow pink paint the other day.  Our tender hearts are praying for our friends as they adjust to a brand new town and all the joy, challenges, and feelings that brings!

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