Friday, November 17, 2017

Bug Study

Three of us moms got together to do a Bug Study with our children.  We started late summer and ended early fall, meeting 4 times + once to plan.  Any excuse to get together with others is always a win in my children's world!

Session #1 (8.14.17): 
Our first session was on a beautiful day at a park.  After our hour of "learnin'" the kids made sure to get plenty of park time and then we had a picnic supper.  (No, my package of turkey isn't sitting there spoiling - it was frozen so I had to sit it out to thaw a little!)

Session #2:
Session 3: 
I only have pictures of these cute little book worms looking at bug books...

Session 4 (10.5.17):
Art Day!  Making fingerprint bugs and a 3D lightning bug!
Pre-lesson snack...
Mia loved when she was able to be involved.

We finished the remaining components of our lapbooks at home...
My kids love to give you video tours of them, so here you go:

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