Monday, April 16, 2012

Just a Monday

Today was just a Monday.
Another average day. wasn't.

Natalee had a fabulous day today.  Really fabulous.  These days like this are few and far between.
Today sensory processing disorder didn't exist.
Today the routine went flawlessly.
Today there were no meltdowns.
Today I said, "I'm so proud of you!" probably 20 or more times because of great behavior that most people take for granted.
Today we had great conversations.
Today she used her imagination.
Today she was a great example for her baby brother to whom she is an idol and his behavior was also exceptional.

What's the difference in today from yesterday or the day before?
I wish I could put my finger on it.

Because today, I wanted to hold her a little longer and say, "Don't leave me sweet girl.  I know this real you is in there everyday fighting to get out to me."

But I didn't.

Instead at bedtime I rocked her and told her I loved her.  We read stories.  And she said, "It's a really good day today, Mama."

So I said, "Yes, it is a super good day today Natalee...just remember that Mama loves you everyday no matter what.  But when you work hard to have self-control and remember to be kind and gentle then that makes it the best day."

I know she works hard.  Some days it shows more than others but I know everyday the things that other children do easily Natalee does with some increased degree of difficulty.  I pray that our super good days increase...that I can keep helping her find the right combination of herbals, behavior modification, diet, love and support to want to fight the hard fight instead of give in.  Because...well, she's worth it.

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