Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's Not a Box

This is one of my new favorite books...
Not a Box.  
It's great for talking with Natalee about the different things we can pretend a box to be.
Imagine my surprise when I sat down to read tonight and discovered my brand new book should be retitled
Not a Coloring Book!
My dear, sweet, responsible Natalee took our new book and wrote with her new Easter ink pens (thank you Grandma Num's goody bags) on almost every single page.  

Rather than recount the story I'll show you the inscription I wrote to her on the inside cover of the book tonight.
When I scolded you for writing in this book 2 big crocodile tears rolled down our cheeks and you said, "I was just writing you a message, Mama."
We had a long talk about where you should write messages (on paper!) and your punishment was to turn in your new pens and $4 of your Easter money to buy a new book.  
I didn't tell you this, but I am impressed with how you marked within the lines of the pictures. 
I love you and everyone makes mistakes, sweetheart.
April 10, 2012

From the first page...

to the last...

 She loved me enough to make herself sit down and painstakingly write me "messages" when:
A: writing is not her first love, nor is sitting still
B:  staying in the lines is a learned and difficult feat lately
C:  there were a lot of pages!

I'll put this book in her memory box and someday we'll laugh about it, and I'll remember the love of a child and hopefully she'll remember the sweet forgiveness and understanding of her mama.

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