He's such a cross still between a baby and a little boy.
He can throw horrific fits.
He "gets" humor & likes to be funny.
He can say a lot but chooses to grunt.
- says "mama"
- "dada"
- "NENENE" (Natalee--and always as a loud exclamation!)
- "NONONONO!" (always as an exclamation)
- "up"
- "go-go"
- "yum-yum"
- Phrases we've heard once or twice but not since: amen, thank you, banana. When he speaks it's very clear, however he prefers the grunting (I DON'T).

He wears mostly 18 month clothes--the pants are baggy but 12 mo are too short.
He's in size 4-5 shoes and size 3 diapers (still!).
It seems he's slimming down a smidge and shooting up...his hair is still not growing much. :)
He's determined and headstrong--willing to take on his sister (yikes!).
He's dangerously adventurous (climbing, romping, crawling over whatever--hence the constant bruises on his head).

He's dirty--somehow always. Or sticky. One or the other.
He's understands 'kiss,' 'clap,' 'stand up,' and lots of other command type phrases.
His kisses are open mouthed and sometimes tongue-y, but he loves giving them.
He's lovey--loves to snuggle, be held, be played with, rocked, and (ahem) butt into mom & dad's bed in the middle of the night.
He's *almost* walking. Taking steps, getting braver, cruising (almost running) along furniture.
He's turning ONE in a few short days. Be.still.my.heart.

We love you Xavier (Xaber-do, Dufer-do, Xabie, SCAMP!). Don't grow up too fast.

Happy Birthday Xavier!!!
Pictures Please!
He is such a cute Birthday Boy! Thanks again for your help Wednesday!
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