Thursday, March 24, 2011

Easter Outtakes

The funniest of funny...

needs no words...

Hey, if he's crying, I'M crying!

Easy, Lenny...

Xavier's preparing to jump & I think my daughter's giving me the stank-eye.
I believe they are daring me to just try and take one more! (I didn't.)

"Give me that darn leaf!"

This one could have been good except my son has gone incognito.

They've completely given up...wait, maybe that was me!

Man, I love them!!


Andrea Frederick said...

My favorite is Xavier trying to swipe the leaf from Natalee....what goons!

Shonya said...

Ok, so I'm way behind, but love the 9mo update of X (he is TOO cute for words!), the Easter pics are adorable, the outtakes are funny--but the best part is your captions on the outtakes! :)

Corin said...

Yay! I LOVE picture outtakes.