Thursday, March 24, 2011

Xavier is 9 months!

Xavier, my sweetie boy...

at 9 months old you
  • weigh 20 solid pounds
  • eat table food and NO baby food
  • still love your bottle
  • wear size 5 shoes...they are too big but size 4 pinch your toes. :(
  • are dangerously adorable
  • are rocked to sleep at every nap & bed time
  • love cars, trucks & all things with wheels (SUCH a boy!)
  • wear size 3 diapers but will soon move to size 4
  • have attached to Scoot, the other Scout so mommy has 2 dollies to keep track of!
  • crawl fast!
  • are pulling up & thinking about cruising
  • L.O.V.E. you sister (& she loves you!)
  • are starting to equal out the amount of attention you give mommy & daddy
  • still have beautiful blue eyes
  • are growing a little hair
  • wear mostly 12 month pants and 18 month shirts & coats
  • have the most expressive eyebrows :)
  • don't show your cutie teeth when you smile (you still just have the 2 bottom ones)
  • still have a watery eye
  • celebrated your 9 month milestone with an upper respiratory infection and a double middle ear infection (boo!), but got to stay home with mommy!
  • still end up in mommy & daddy's bed every night
  • sleep in the same room as sissy (when you're in your own bed!)
  • like to go, go, go! visit, outside, wherever
  • eat everything that you shouldn't
  • are cautious of strangers
  • are very strong--both physically and strong-willed
  • tend to be a great big flirt!
  • like to get and give hugs, kisses & pats
  • are loved more than you'll ever know!
I can't believe how fast you're growing. You are an absolute joy! God knew what He was doing when He sent us YOU! Love, Mommy


Corin said...

Cute, Cute stuff!

Anonymous said...

how is he so stinking cute!?


Andrea Frederick said...

I can't believe how much he looks like you! Especially in the ones with no hats...where he's bald:) HE sure is a handsome devil!