Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Xavier is 6 MONTHS!

Mr. Handsome...
You are a blast! You LOVE your bottle and pacifier and HATE all 'real' food. You have got to weight almost 20 pounds (we go to the dr. for a wellness check-up on Thursday) and take only 4 oz at a time still, but take them every 2 hours.

You are quick with a smile and think your sister is grand! You're a mama's boy but daddy's not too bad and you still like to be rocked to sleep. Just this last week we've transitioned you from cradle to crib at home and most mornings you wake up in your own bed & not in mommy & daddy's. YOU are a SNUGGLER!
You can propel yourself backwards but can't go forwards yet. You've been rolling for a long time but just recently have learned to roll as a mode of transportation. You're eyes are always watching and you are keen to wait for sis to put down one of her toys and then you lickity split (fast as you can go with backwards & rolling being your means) over to it. You can pick yourself up on all fours--you just don't go anywhere! You are STRONG!
You are a chewer. You're chin & cheeks are chapped at the end of every day from so much slobber produced by your constant chewing. You have one tiny tooth that you got just 2 days before you turned 6 months old.
You are silly. You and sister have a secret language that sounds to daddy and I like elephant talk. It makes you both smile and us giggle. You'll never know what it means to not share attention in daily life on a routine basis...something that is making you very patient and calm, but that makes mommy a little sad. We enjoy our time playing all alone after sissy goes to bed at night (sh! don't tell her!).
You are a blankie baby & do like your puppy Cocoa, but don't love him like I thought you would. I keep trying... :) When you nap you pull your blanket almost over you head...after you fight sleep as long as you possibly can! You're eyes are true blue & you hair is barely there. You have thick, long eyelashes that would make any girl melt...come to think of it they sure work on mama.
You are full of expression and your cry is instant. You can make lots of noise 'talking' and have recently started doing so more and more. You like to stand in your jumper & we've put away the swing. The bouncy seat suits you some but not for a long time. On December 18th you sat up for over 1 minute on your own without falling's a mastered skill now.
Your dirty diapers are worth writing about because they are THAT bad. Oh, son...ew! You like bath time and hate getting dressed. You have quite an opinion about most things for such a little boy.
Every time I look at you I want to squeeze you and kiss you all over...usually I do. You wear a variety of clothes...both 6-9 and 9-12 month shirts and mostly 6-9 month pants. You have big feet and are wearing 24 month socks! You have one eye that still always waters and you love to play the tongue game. You know what the kissy noise means and you can lay one on mommy like no man can!
It is our joy to watch you grow and mold you into a Godly young man. Remember your name, son, & that is means "to build your house with God." This is our prayer for you and our goal in shaping your character. We love you, Xaber baby! Though I wish to keep you little longer I can't wait to see what you've got in store for us!



Corin said...

The one in the hat box is my favorite, but they are all great.

Anonymous said...

he is so sweet. :)


Shonya said...

adorable! glad to see you enjoying him so!

Andrea Frederick said...

i missed this post! love the reminders...wish i would have had this with my kids:(