Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas with Mike's Family

December 18th began our first Christmas for 2010. We were all very blessed (spoiled) and were the recipients of many nice things. We enjoyed the gifts we gave this year also, and had a nice day celebrating love & family...

The gift highlights...
Natalee got a new table and chairs! And a day hasn't gone by since that she hasn't sat at them to color, look at books, or just sit. & my favorite...they fold!! She also got a Curious George coloring book (good job, Kea!), new jammies & a CD player, among a few other things...
Xavier got a VTech farm toy--no matter what he touches it does something & he's quite entranced by it, flannel crib sheets, new jammies & clothes, & a Baby Einstein movie!
Jenn got a Flip video camera (yay!) that was also my birthday present, a new shirt & tanks, Ugandan beads, and more...
Mike was the recipient of motorcycle gear...a new fancy helmet and chaps!...among other things.We had a great breakfast and lunch and enjoyed spending time together!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Oh my goodness, it doesn't seem like Xavier should be that old!!