Monday, November 1, 2010

Update in Videos

'Scuse the wild hair please, as Natalee had in a ponytail today and we took it out when we put on jammies and didn't bother to tame the mane! I just had that "mommy moment" where you decide you have to record something RIGHT NOW, lest you not get another chance. Natalee sure is growing up on us. She has finally gotten down the art of kicking a ball, and such is considered "caught up" for her age group in gross motor development. We're SO proud of her and the hard work she's done. We continue to stretch her every morning and, though it hurts, I think she's realizing that it feels better afterward because if we put her down to walk before we stretch her she complains of pain. She's talking a blue streak and is learning ANYTHING we teach her! We're starting Bible verse now, while her mind is young and ready to soak them in! Hard to believe my baby, who fought to meet all her milestones, is this precious toddler ready to face the world & that she'll be two in 1 month + 1 week!

And Xavier just continues to GROW. And GROW and GROW! When I weighed him last week he topped off at 17.6 pounds! WHOA! He wore 3-6 month clothes for all of 1 month and I officially switched him to 6-9 for everything but jeans/dress pants. He's developed quite a personality and is partial to his mother (aw, shucks!). He eats every 2-3 hours still and takes (unwillingly) a bit of rice cereal before bed. He sleeps until around 3 or 4 a.m., when he wakes to snuggle, but not eat. Mr. Xabe has taken a special interest in his sister and is an all around flirt. He'll grin at anyone but has already developed a stranger anxiety when most other people outside our immediate families hold him. He likes his bath and is very ticklish. He has lots to say, in general, and apparently thinks wrestling on the floor in hilarious!

We're so happy to have our little duo and love them so much. We can't imagine life without one or the other!


Bree Shaw said...

what did we do before kids? they are growing up so fast jenn. i am so proud of miss natalee for meeting all those milestones! you guys are very dedicated parents and God gave you her b/c he knew that. what a great family you have.

Corin said...

Such a cute family. We're going to have to get Xabe and Ellie together for play dates. It was too funny watching them check each other out.

Shonya said...

Awww, so cute! Kiana likes Natalee's jammies! :) And those little giggles just melt my heart.

Anonymous said...

oh my....thanks for posting the videos,made my day. What a couple of monkeys you have.

Love, Lauren