Here's what's happening in their lives. The week of Mike's accident Natalee went in for her 2nd set of tubes. We spent a lot of time in Columbia that week. Well...Xabe & I did, b/c he's my little buddy! She did great & only cried for her daddy once. My dad went with us, while Mike's mom & grandma stayed with him & my mom and sisters were traveling! Busy, busy. Natalee's vocabulary is growing in leaps and bounds. We're working on counting, continuing work on colors, and starting wild animal sounds as she has most farm animals down pat. She's at a very fun toddler age, is aching to learn, and is soaking things up!
She enjoys going to the 20-30 minute lesson at the table during church service and both teachers say she's very good :) She continues to be sassy but sweet. I'm reading a book called Parenting in the Pew which is helping me help her to get the most out of church. While the book really focuses on kids around age 4 and up we are introducing some of the concepts now. She is now a firm believer that all money belongs to Jesus, as we let her collect offering all week long and talk about giving it at church to Jesus. (Although that doesn't prevent her from wanting it back out of the offering plate after she willingly puts it in!). We are also taking less "to do" and involving her more in the service. When it's time to sing, I make her stop writing and "sing." She does usually join in--loudly and nonsensically, but she makes an effort! :) She thinks the Bible is a treasured book (she's right) and enjoys taking it to Daddy and having him read it to her. She has also been sitting with us (as has Xabe) during nightly devotions and "reading" her Bible while Mike reads aloud.
She pays attention to EVERYTHING people say and do. Her brother makes a gasping sound due to his tracheamalasia and tonight we noticed her copying him to a T. She's a treasure and it's our join to watch her develop her own personality.
Xabe turned 3 months old in all the chaos of 2 weeks ago. He's become so very CHARMING! He knows how to work his eyebrows and his grins to melt my heart. During our hard week of surgery & tubes I kept him with me because stress was effecting my milk supply, but nonetheless I completely lost it. Supplements and the works have not been effective in bringing it back so Xabe has transitioned to full formula. :( We were both heartbroken and since the transition he's clung to me a little tighter (or I to him?). He's resisting his daddy right now, which is hard for Mike but endearing to me as Natalee was such a Daddy's girl that I always felt a little on the outside. He will not let Mike rock him down to sleep without a huge fight, so it's been my honor to do so for the last couple of weeks. He will let Mike play & snuggle him. I also pass him off to Mike after I rock him to sleep so I can finish things up around the house.
Right after we had to give up nursing he began waking back up in the middle of the night. I'd try to bottle feed him but he wasn't really hungry...a good snuggle in my bed (Mike was on the couch...and I don't want to hear it) seemed to suit and he'd drift back off. He's worked that out of his system for the most part but the last few nights has gotten up a couple of times around 4 a.m. for a cuddle.
Xavier is also a very physically strong boy! He has super legs and neck muscles and could stand in the Jumperoo if I could find the legs to it. *sigh* (I will...) He doesn't enjoy "rough housing" as much as he likes a silly voice or a good joke ;) He's an absolute dear!
As a duo, brother and sister are starting to take much more notice of one another. Xabe tracks Natalee around the room, turns to listen to her talk, and laughs at her smiles. Natalee checks on "brudder Xaber" often, running as messenger with a bottle or paci, and singing, "Brudder, it's okay Brudder" when he's upset.
And as a family, we're hanging in there. We're taking stock of what's important, remembering how lucky we are to have one another, and praying daily for patience for each other (or maybe that's just the prayer I pray!).
Good update. Love the pictures, glad you are weathering the storm in one battered but not broken (figuratively anyway) piece.
Lots in that post! Glad Mike isn't hurt worse, sorry you lost your milk supply, but in trying to focus on the positive, you gave him a good start those first few months! Natalee is for sure at a fun stage--I just love this age. And good job on the behavior training in the assembly, and I am blessed to hear Mike is feeding his family the Word of God on a daily basis. Keep up the good work, Mr. Spiritual Leader of the Family!!
Sorry to post as anon, google won't let me sign in. Shonya
i just love listening to natalee when we are praying in church.... MAMEN:) she is just too cute!
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