Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stowaway and Other Cute Things...

I was going to just post the last video but decided to let you see all the cuteness that happens in our daily life:

Here is Natalee being indignantly angry that her Daddy went outside and didn't take her. Of course, after I took this picture I picked her up and she was all better! He came back and took her out, of course.

Here is Natalee trying to put in a hair bow to go to Lora Jean's. Somedays she can't stand them...but if it's her idea she thinks they are grand. She missed her head by a smidgen (the bow is in her shirt).

Mommy secured the hair bow and all is superb!
Now this is the way to take a walk! Last night, after supper, I bedded Natalee down in the wagon that Papa Curtis got her and pulled her around town. We LOVE this wagon b/c she can lay down in it...with the plastic wagons you can't move the seats so the little ones can lay. We've had this about 2 weeks and it has some miles ought to see the tires on it--a dream to pull! And the sides fold down so we can use it for other things.
Notice, we didn't get to take our walk without our Scout.

This morning's cuteness! Bare arms and legs...she's in heaven!

Natalee in the car this morning. What a face! I took this to prove to myself that I've done a naughty thing...a month ago she loved her Scout but didn't have to have her. Lately she looks for her and asks for her...and often has her secured under her arm. I should have weaned her when I had the chance but I really don't mind that she has a lovey. However, my sister-friend Corin's little boy recently lost his lovey lizard. Of course his good mama had a back-up, ordered another, and found the original (so now there are 3)...I'm thinking it's time to start looking for a back up Scout just in case!


Stowaway Scout and Other Cute Things:


Andrea Frederick said...

This just made my day!!!

Anonymous said...

What a little turkey :) Great pictures and videos!!


Corin said...

I highly recommend a back up Scout. We have one that never ever leaves the house. That way I always know we have one somewhere.