Friday, April 9, 2010

16 months

Natalee is 16 months old today! What a big girl she's becoming. Her vocabulary is ever growing and she repeats us all the time. In the morning it's "shirt, shocks (socks), shoes." She's FINALLY saying, "hi" and thinks she's really funny when she does. If I walk into the room she is in she'll say, "hi, mom," even if I just saw her 30 seconds ago. She's making friends with the 2 littler girls at Lora Jean's and cried when one of them left the other day. She's becoming more social all around...the other day at the allergist she fought with her daddy so she could get down and go play with the other kids at the bead table. She throws kisses when someone says bye-bye, cries when people leave the house, and sings and dances all the time. She still likes "george" (curious george) and wheel of fortune but other than that pays little attention to the TV.
Natalee is starting to stand on her own but isn't walking yet. She is cruising around furniture with a more natural gait and walking better with our hands or a walking toys. She is sassy and sweet, all within minute of each other. Her favorite phrase is "doe, doe, doe" (no, no, no) and she thinks anyone with long brunette hair in a book/magazine is her beloved Lorn Lorn. She is our joy and will be a wonderful big sister!

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