Saturday, April 3, 2010

An Ode to My "Old" Husband!

Happy 29th Birthday tomorrow to my husband of almost 5 years! When I asked him if he had ever pictured himself to be 29 with two kids he immediately said, "No." I take that to mean it's better than he ever imagined! :)

Micheal is a phenomenal husband and daddy. I don't say it enough but it's true. Let me tell you how spoiled I am...
  • he heats up my lunch at work everyday...I don't get a "lunch break". Instead I eat with my preschoolers and in the hubbub of getting them to the lunch room it's hard to get my own lunch going...and so he comes over and does it for me. I'm lucky...and spoiled.
  • he goes to work with me everyday--and hasn't killed me yet. That ain't luck...that's God.
  • he changes diapers and wipes boogers. The only thing I don't think he does is cut baby fingernails/toe nails...but that's pretty minor in the big picture. When I have something to do I never think twice about walking out the door...he's not babysitting, he's parenting--and he's darn good at it!
  • since the weather's been nice he's taken Natalee outside to walk or play every night while I get supper around. Such a blessing.
  • he takes care of the bills and finances...if he even knew what a relief this was to me...
  • he loves his little girl with everything he's got...and will his son, too. he's never too busy to rock, play, kiss, or tickle.
  • he drives a minivan...when he'd much rather be driving a motorcycle.
  • he loves God first and us second, just the way it should be.
  • he lotions my feet when I can't reach them anymore...and sometimes when I can!

I could go on and on and on and on...but it'd never be enough. I love you, Mikey...thank you for being our hero!


Micheal Beeler said...

I love you too, Jenn and Natalee.

Bree Shaw said...

Happy Birthday Mike! What a great husband you have:)

Corin said...

Happy Birthday Mike!!! You forgot to mention that he selflessly unlocks the church on his Birthday to try and help a friend find a lost lizard.