Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dear Natalee,

You are almost 14 months old. And it is almost Valentine's Day. I love you more every passing day. But as you grow older I can't help but wonder if I'm trying too hard to keep you my baby so you don't feel like you have to grow up just because another baby is coming. I don't want to stunt you or keep you from becoming the big girl I know you are developing into, and so I set you free to grow up. But only a little. Just enough so that we can whoop up on those PAT evaluations that we aren't doing so hot on. Just enough that you learn a couple of words, or maybe walk a little. Or quit putting so many things in your mouth. But just so you know, when you cry in the night I'm still going to let you snuggle in...because you will always be my baby.

1 comment:

Bree Shaw said...

she cracks me up with her sweet smile. she is doing just fine in the growing up part!