Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Just Have to Say...


to everyone for their encouraging words regarding Natalee's little ears. Isn't it just like a mother to feel like whatever battle we are facing right now is the worst thing ever? Next month it will be something else. But for now, I needed to hear your words of encouragement, know that your prayers are with us, and understand that other little ones have been through tubes and are all the better for it. My baby sister was a tube baby and I truly believe she be dutchy and deaf as all get out had it not been for that (sorry, Lauren!).
So thanks again to everyone...we got an appointment for next Wednesday and are all anxious to hear what Dr. Campbell tells us. And if it's tubes, I'm sure I'll have questions for those of you who have been down that road!


Bree Shaw said...

when bronson had his tubes he was literally up and running around in the hospital waiting room like 45 minutes later. they are a piece of cake!

Anonymous said...

Carson and Avery both had tubes. Best thing we ever did for either of them. We waited too long with Carson. He was 18 months. I'll never forget..when we got home he walked across the kitchen with his shoes on and it was like it was the first time he had heard the noise of his feet hitting the floor with shoes. It was awesome and I felt terrible that he had been hearing so little for so long. We went to Dr. Mechlin in Columbia and I highly recommend him. Call me if you want his number.

I can tell you all the things you need to hear, like she'll be fine, it's a quick surgery (it really is) etc. etc. but you're a mom, you're a mom a lot like me in that you worry. Maybe too much, or at least I do. So instead I'll just say that I am praying for her and her tiny ears and for wisdom and strength for you and Mike. - Laci