Saturday, October 31, 2009

In Response

In response to the following comment regarding my post about Halloween:

The word Samhain as in the article "Halloween and Sanhain Feast" Samhein is just a different name for Satan. Secondly, the all about God website is a secular Christian website. Biblically speaking, God specifically warns against celebrating Pagan holidays. Just because something starts as a pagan holiday and then is sugar coated doesn't mean it's ok to celebrate it because they've changed a few of the details. The underlying reason for the holiday being created was still Satanic. Trick or treat is a practice from the satanic version of the holiday.
Some thing that start evil cant be changed to good, really your still involving yourself in a once pagan holiday. Of course many different people will come up with the it isn't bad now thing because turning away is alot harder than finding away to be a part of sin.
My family will no longer take part in the pagan created holidays.

Firstly, thank you for your comment. I'd like to defend my family by asking that you not assume that we don't turn from sin or that we take the easy road. All decisions we make for ourselves and our daughter are prayed about and God led. Perhaps our choices don't match yours but that stems from different upbringing & what we feel our answer to prayer is. Maybe our minds will change later in life, but for now we are comfortable with our decision and don't feel as though God will be frowning down on us tonight. For if what we do is in His glory then why should we feel anything but peace? Also, I'd like to reiterate that, as with all things, this night can be what you make it.

Regarding the comment from Breanna...
Thank you for your kind words. I applaud you finding an alternate way to have some family fun since the holiday crosses with your family's eating preferences. I agree that teaching our children why we do certain things is so very important (and hard!).

Lastly, I would ask that, should you choose to comment anonymously on my blog, that you at least sign your name with your comment. I am open to opposing viewpoints but appreciate the respect of you leaving your identity.


breanna from glimpse said...

:) thanks for your comment back!!! i have a totally new respect for you after today and all the moving you did in such a short period of time, oh no, i mean at. all.!!! i never. want. to. do. this. again. EVER!!!! *sigh*

Andrea Frederick said...

Man, I missed a lot being in bed sick! I agree with you and anonmymous commentors are chickens!

Corin said...

So much more polite and calm then I am. I salute your amazing ability to be respectful and gracious. I tried very hard in my comment to remain nice. Not so sure I succeded.
Behind you 100%.