Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hi Daddy...Day Two

Morning, Daddy! I was wonderful last night! I've become Mommy's little shadow while you were gone and like to follow here everywhere--even to the potty! Mommy laid me down for bed after books & a bottle and I went to sleep all by myself again with out a fuss. Mommy thinks you make me naughty because you spoil me. I slept upstairs again but didn't make a peep all night! I slept from 8 o'clock to 6:20 in the morning when mommy had to wake me up to get dressed for Lora Jean's. Today I'm wearing my jack-o-lantern shirt...it's so warm mommy didn't make me wear my heavy coat but she did put my orange stocking hat on to protect my ears.
When mommy dropped me off this morning I started waving bye bye to her before she had barely got my coat off...I was ready to start my fun day at Lora Jean's and was super hungry for breakfast! Grandma Cindy is coming all the way over to pick me up today and I get to go to her house and play!! I can't wait to see you tonight. I love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the jacket...it looks good on her! What a sweetie pie. Miss you guys. Give Natalee some kisses from Aunt Kea. Hope to see you soon.