Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Circus Shmircus

So the circus came to town. Crazy huh? Who would have thought that our tiny town of 700 would attract a circus? But they did, and I love the circus so we decided to go. Teachers and their kids got in free so we just had to pay for Mike. $14 to support an attraction that actually cared to come to our town...we thought it was worth it!

Andrea & the kids came to eat with us so we all drove to the bank, parked, and walked over because we didn't know how parking would be. We got in, got settled...Natalee was a little fussy but took her paci and was content to look around.

I just knew she'd love the lights and sparkles---the whole magical atmosphere.


This was probably one of the most frustrating nights of my short 10 months of parenting (I know...more frustrating nights to come). She didn't just fuss...she screamed. We were there for probably 30 minutes and for 20 of it she whined which turned into a blown out full tantrum. Now, I'm of the "we're here, we're staying" mindset but how do you interrupt everyone around you & their good time? It was the loud clapping and cheering that set her off and it spiraled from there. I can't even make excuses for her because she's not tired/hungry/sick. She's happy as a clam playing on the living room floor.

After wrestling her for several minutes and passing her from Nannie to Mike to I, I grabbed the blanket I had brought & walked outside the tent so I could hear & kinda see but we weren't "in"side. Not good enough. Nope--she screamed until I was 3 blocks away and you couldn't hear any of the noise anymore. Let me describe this scream--it's the choking, gasping, I might throw up or hyperventilate scream. She also does it when we vacuum. When we walked to the circus Mike carried her in the backpack carrier which was great. But I'd walked out without it and wasn't about to go back in so there I was toting a screaming child who is terrified of the circus.

I think the reason I was so frustrated is because I secretly have a fascination for the circus. I love them. I think it's awesome that they came to perform for us no matter how small it was & I wanted us to enjoy it as a family. My bubble world got crushed.

When I pulled the van back around so Mike could come out and load our stuff so he wouldn't have to carry it back later he offered to take Natalee home so I could stay. I know he wouldn't have minded, truly, and he knows how I love a good circus. But I was so frustrated with myself for dragging Natalee and with Natalee for not loving it like I thought she would that I turned him down. After that scenario I wouldn't have enjoyed myself anyways. Dumb to get so upset about a little circus...I know it's a stage & she'll grow out of it...I think it's just when you have your sights set so high and they topple down on you that it's hard and a little embarrassing to swallow.

So there you have it folks. The circus came to town and at least I can say we went. It was lovely from what I saw & all the children around me were having a blast. Natalee did look cute...
but cute looks just sometimes don't swing a good time. I love her...I do...and I'll teach her to love the circus, too!


Andrea Frederick said...

Whew...that child! What a pill. It was an awesome time, and I understand how it wasn't a big deal but it meant something to you. It'll get better only to have something else spiral out of control:) Thanks for supper!!!

JessieJo said...

I am completely that way also. I plan out in my head how great things are going to go, then when they don't it upsets me more than it should! I have gotten much better about it the last 2 years, but it still happens. And don't worry for one minute about the other families, it's happened to all of them at one time or another! Doyle just recently spent his birthday money on a "shake and go" car track for him and Tucker and Tucker was scared to death of it. He's cry and run away every time they started and Doyle was really dissapointed. That was a couple weeks ago and now it's Tucker's favorite toy! She'll love the circus too, someday!

Shonya said...

Love the picture with her teeth showing!!!! :) Sorry your night didn't go as you wanted--kids change everything! (but they're so worth it, lol)

Bree Shaw said...

my little one was being a pill too. i had to take him outside the tent and give him a little heart to heart, came back in and he was fine, then he wasn't, so we had another heart to heart right there in front of everyone and then he was fine! maybe i should've sent him home with you:) sorry this time wasn't what you expected, but maybe next time it will be:) Great pics, btw!

Corin said...

I love that last picture. She looks so onrey. I do the same thing, I build things up in my head about how great they are going to be. Then I don't deal very well with my disappointment. Just ask Steve. Poor guy has to put up with me when that happens. I know there will be other circus and lots more tantrums. Don't you know mom public tantrums are just way more fun.

Anonymous said...

That last picture is the first time that I've seen her daddy in her. She's adorable and some day she'll love the circus...or not. I totally understand the frustration. Kelsey is 3 and is so timid sometimes that it drives me batty. Some day they'll be all grown up and we'll wish they were tiny and afraid of the circus. - Laci

Anonymous said...

Sucks that your night wasn't as fun as you planned :(. I have to say that all of these pictures crack me up...can't she be a jock-o-lantern for Halloween instead? Her teeth are just too funny. Missing you all, give her a squeeze for me!
Love, Lauren