Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sketti Dinner

Okay, I promise...I'll do the rest of the vacation pictures soon. But for now....

We've been feeding Natalee more and more table food and last night I made spaghetti. We tried to give it to her at NYR and she told her Aunt Lorn Lorn, "no, no, no" and wouldn't eat it. So last night I made her a plate and put homemade baby foods on it but also included spaghetti. She LOVED it and is very good at slurping the noodles. I didn't get a good video of her sucking a noodle up but still captured her enjoying her sketti! Ahhh, how did she get so big so fast?

Align Center

The "mommy's a good cooker" line comes from when Colby was little. He used to tell my mom, "grandma, you a GOOD cooker!" Her smiles and grins could make you feel like Chef Boyardee, when in reality sketti's not too hard! God bless her!


Anonymous said...

Lol, love the pictures especially, what a little goon.

Andrea Frederick said...

and bshe looks so proud....LOVE IT!

Bree Shaw said...

she is the happiest baby! love her grins!

Corin said...

Levi loves sucking in noodles. It's how we get him to eat a lot of times. Makes it seem fun.

Shonya said...

She is JUST *precious*! And I agree--she's growing up way too fast!!