Thursday, July 9, 2009

7 months old

My girl is seven months old...and my heart's officially broken. She's now closer to 1 than 0, a fact that I'm not ready to handle. But dang, I love her a little more every D.A.Y.
This month...
  • she became a blankie particular she loves the thermal fabric Noah's Ark blankies that Nannie & family got us for the shower. I bought her 2 of a different brand so we'd have 4 total...she really prefers the other ones better...oh well.
  • she got her first tooth!
  • she began using rolling as a mode of transportation.
  • she developed a hatred for green veggies.
  • she began eating meat, yogurt, cheeses, scrambled eggs, and other "big girl" foods & purees--some that I make and some that we buy.
  • mommy calls her Bean.
  • she's learning to balance herself on her feet.
  • she actually "plays" with toys...mostly she chews on them but sometimes she shakes them, laughs at them, loves on them. In particular she's started "talking" to her Scout baby in her crib before nap time.
  • she throws temper tantrums. When we tell her "no" or remove something she wants but shouldn't have, she arches her back and kicks her feet.
  • she makes a wrinkly nose, snorting noise that is adorable! (kinda like a pug dog). She does it to be funny and when we laugh at her she does it more.
  • she began rolling herself over and sleeping mostly on her tummy. Usually the thermal blanket ends up wrapped around her and mostly underneath so after she falls asleep I tuck her in.
  • she started noticing the tags on toys so I reintroduced her Taggies loveys and she really enjoys them.
  • she said mama!
  • she started eating baby puffs.
  • she wears 6-12 month clothes, size 2 shoes, and size 2 diapers during the day, size 3 at night.
  • she learned to do an Indian chant (thanks, Grandma Cindy!)
  • she went to her first water park!
  • she got a bigger car seat.
  • she still only drinks a 6 oz. bottle at the most in one sitting.
  • she weights 17 lbs., 10 oz. & is 27 3/4" long.
  • she is learning to give open mouthed kisses...when she's in the mood she is overzealously in the mood & when she's not you can't talk her into one!
  • she figured out how to squeeze her Seahorse and turn her back on.
  • she is beginning to truly love books and will often sit while we read 4-5 short ones at a time.
  • she loves to be sang to!
  • she is now and always mommy and daddy's joy!
My night-night Jellybean. I can't decide if I'm cluttering her sleeping area or not but she truly enjoys her loveys. Scout Baby, Sally Seahorse, her Taggies snuggler, a paci, and one of the 2 favorite thermal blankies. Look at her with her arms out, touching every one of the items. I dare you to try and take one away.

Happy 7th month, my Natalee Cynthia....and here's to so many more!
Love, Mama


Andrea Frederick said...

Great summary, mom! love her so much!

Shonya said...

What a fun post! This is such a fun age, really starting to develop her own little personality and more interactive! And, ironically, Destry calls Briana "Beanie" or "Bean" for short and has for years. I did a scrap page of it back when they were about 6 and 7.

Corin said...

Very nice post. Now shall we get to work on that time freezing machine. I don't want my baby to get any bigger either.

Bree Shaw said...

i love how you listed all of that to be able to go back and look at some day. the best way to record everything! i love the first pic. she looks great in those colors!

Amee Jones said...

You do such a wonderful job of making this blog for Natalee. She will LOVE to look back at this some day. Isn't it hard to imagine what in the world we did with our lives before we had children?