Wednesday, May 13, 2009


...I am thankful:
  • that my house is 30 miles north of where the tornado hit, however callus & unfeeling that may sound.
  • that people like my brother-in-law & friends' husbands are working their fannies off restoring power to people, even though I know that all some of those people will do is complain that it ever went down in the first place.
  • that my husband has a heart of service and cares enough about strangers to go do 'search and rescue' & damage assessment for a community that is not his own.
  • that my basement, although leaky, is sound and clean and relatively not-scary.
  • that my friends down in the tornado path are safe.
So, tell me friends, what were you thankful for as the tornadoes passed your way...?


Bree Shaw said...

jenn i think you are north of the tornado:)

i am thankful for no tornado at our house, especially since my husband is gone.

thankful for clean up crews and everyone that has come to help tri county get power back on.

and thankful that all of my family and friends that live in kv, are ok!

Anonymous said...

As we could hear the tornado sounds from Downing pass to the south of us, I was thankful for my family...Shelby, Alan, Lucy, Ally, Roxy, Daiddy, and Angela and that we could all be together at that moment and... for forever. Kristina

Shonya said...

Alan actually said everyone has been very nice, understanding, patient and not complaining this time. That's a bonus! And something to be thankful for! :)