Tuesday, May 19, 2009




Last day of school tomorrow...work for a couple hours on Thursday...head out to run some major errands.

Family is heading back to ND tonight...sad to see them go. Supper @ Andrea's.

Still love the best baby ever who has been so very flexible this crazy weekend even if she didn't nap the greatest.

Baby sister is graduated...there was tears, crying, hugging, laughing, celebrating, & partying involved. Congrats, Lauren!

Big sister celebrated her 29th birthday. Happy Birthday, Andrea!

Two cousins graduated 8th grade last night....go them!

Can't take a day off of work b/c maternity leave ate my days. Costs too much to just take a day to veg out. Waiting, waiting till Friday! Don't come looking for me or my family b/c we will be hiding.

Husband is good, my hip's out, the house is a mess.

Have tied a total 84 yards of fleece in the last week...sore fingers, sore butt, but 3 happy blanket recipients.

Lots of pictures to download...no time tonight. Keep checking...don't want to lose my fan-base.

Have been reading your blogs...just no time to comment right now!

Love you all...have a great week!


Bree Shaw said...

glad you are back in the blog world, i have been missing you and your comments:) you get used to comments and then noone has time and you just feel unloved:)!!! i understand tho! hope your butt and fingers get better soon.

Corin said...

Hope butt feels better

Enjoy break

Think of us shlubs who work year round while your enjoying the sunshine.