Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

This little girl is growing up indeed. I'm so thankful that I'm a school teacher and get these precious months at home with her. Tonight we tried on her swimming suit because lessons start on Monday (YAY, she loves the water!) and she conquered yet another milestone. She can now sit up for several minutes at a time. She's been working on this for awhile--conquering seconds here and there before she has to lean over and rest or before she topples, but tonight she finally figured out the balancing act. *tear* She's growing up so fast...we love you big girl! Only 2 more weeks until 6 months & this mommy is NOT ready!

no worries, mama...I got this!

HEY, when I sit up I can totally see the TV better!

Of course the suit has a matching hat complete with 50+ SPF protection...she's bald, bones about it! But she's cute and bald!!

Just look at that precious swimming suit!

Keep in mind that the video was taken after about 5 minutes of pictures so she was wearing down, but still sitting pretty well!


Bree Shaw said...

she is growing up way tooooo fast! i got to see her today when daddy was on a walk with her. i got her to smile lots at me, guess cuz i am funny looking;)

I am Harriet said...

Love the hat!
Very cute!

Leslie said...

That is just tooo cute! Love all the pink!

Happy ATWT!

Andrea Frederick said...

Ahhhh....all that practicing paid off!

Denise said...

Awww! She is adorable! They do grow up so quickly!

Unknown said...

She is so cute!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love her little suit and hat! She is a cutie! TFS