Friday, May 29, 2009

It Matters to Me

I need your opinion...truly, it matters to me!

I'm making tutus for Natalee...made this darling light pink with hot pink accents.

I have the following colors:

light yellow
light pink
old gold
light blue
hot pink

So tell me, what color combo do you think would be cute? Doesn't have to be just 2 colors...could be 3 or 4. Six month pictures are coming up & I'm so excited!!! Obviously bought the burgandy & gold for Schuyler colors, but it doesn't take the whole spool to do a tutu so think about all of them and let me know your favs!


Anonymous said...

Rainbow please!!!

Diane Melvin said...

You should make a red and blue one for July 4th. She's look like a little firecracker!!

Bree Shaw said...


Erin said...

Purple and yellow!! Oh and blue with hot pink!! And well, I'd particularly be partial to a green and yellow, but that's the john deere lover in me!!

Corin said...

Chunky little baby in a tule skirt, does it really matter what color it is? I love these skirts, I've been trying to convince my mom to make some for Kaitlyn. First off I love the pink version, very cute. I think purple with the light blue would be really cute. Maroon and Gold would be good too. I've seen one in all hot pink that was pretty adorable too. It was in a picture of my bosses' grandbaby at Good luck and please share pictures of Natalee in her adorable skirts.