Monday, May 25, 2009

A Few Fun Photos...

Rainy days are also great for cropping and editing some random photos from the 100s I took during Lauren's graduation weekend.

This is my grandma Mary meeting Natalee the first night they got to town.

Four Generations!
I am so excited to have this picture especially since we are all girls!!!

A decent family picture of us! Good job, Dad!

The first time we've gotten all 10 of us in one picture. I could have cropped out the dog but he sat so nicely that just would have been rude!

These babies are too cute. Natalee enjoyed hanging out with someone her own size over graduation weekend. Baby cousin Christian is just a couple of months younger than Natalee. They spent some good time vegging on the floor flailing their arms and legs about! I love the lower picture--Natalee is looking at Christian like, "How dare you grab my shirt and stick your tongue out!" What cuties!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Love Burk, and yes he did sit nicely.