Monday, June 23, 2008

refreshing drive south

this weekend we headed down south to mike's mom's family reunion in mountain grove. we left friday around noon & met mike's mom, dad & sister (& other extended family) in mountain grove. i was prepared for a horrendous drive but when we got there we really didn't think it was that bad. we stopped in columbia for an hour or more so that i could find some maternity clothes--found a few things at target & a couple of cute pair of capris at motherhood maternity. that helped break up the trip & when we got back in the car we only had 3 1/2 - 4 hours left. of course, we stopped for potty breaks but other than that we pretty much just drove south on highway 63...we went through lots of little country towns which i enjoy gawking at so that made the trip enjoyable. it was also nice to be alone with my husband for 6 whole hours--we caught up on so much and just visited...i don't know how long its been since we've had that much uninterrupted time to just talk.

more about this weekend later & pictures of mike & kea wading in the creek...

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