rain, rain, rain...our poor farmers. my dad hasn't even gotten a first cutting of hay mowed, little alone raked or baled...ho, hum, when will this rain give us (them) a break?
mike and I spent the afternoon with his folks & sister--had a delicious father's day lunch complete with mashed potatoes (my favorite 'pregnancy' food). yummy! my tummy is still feeling full but i'm going to eat a little bit of supper in awhile just so i'm not growling later.
after lunch we went out to I-MO camp to do registration--something i've been helping with every sunday for the last 3 years. i'm kind of disappointed that we only registered 13 kids for this week...mike and i talked all the way home and feel like God is pointing us in a direction to help the camp grow. we feel like that's perhaps why we are going to start having our summers off together...we're brainstorming and praying that whatever need we're supposed to fill will be shown to us & that we'll be able to step up to the plate and take it on. i'm feeling like one of the biggest needs is advertisement, which is something i can definitely help with...we'll see where we're taken!
our families are supposed to be home from north dakota early this week, but mike and i are heading down to mountain grove on friday for sara's family reunion so we'll have to wait for the next weekend to catch up on life and each other. talked to mom today & found out that vance & his partner got first in the prairie dog hunt. my dad & his partner, my uncle brad, didn't come in last & we're going to leave it at that!
because of the river rising in ottumwa i don't have to go to class tomorrow night, which means ONLY 3 MORE TIMES DO I HAVE TO DRIVE UP THERE FOR NIGHT CLASSES...not that i'm counting or anything, just looking forward to being done!
off to have supper with my hubby...HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU DADDIES OUT THERE (and to you, Big Daddy).
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