Monday, April 20, 2020

Week in the Life {Loving, Grieving, Surviving}

This week was unlike any other.  It was long, the weather was unpredictable, and we were hurting, but we found a way to get through it.

Monday, April 13th
Mike worked from home on Monday.  Since I was still recovering from my infection, Mike let me sleep in, which means he worked with Evie on his knee.  He's a good man.
When I finally got around we started school.
Zayden was having trouble being constructive and not noisy and destructive, so I set him to task with some floor puzzles.  He remembered how much he loves doing puzzles and worked for a long long time on them.
Mia had a review for her math, so I had her make "posters" and do presentations.  She's adorable. (and knowledgeable)
A prime example of the type of energy Zayden had on a Monday.
Is this thing on right?
On Monday, Mike got the call that his Grandma was turning a corner and getting ready to be with Jesus.

Tuesday, April 14th
Mike worked in the office on Tuesday.  I took this picture and emailed it to Betty at the Nursing Home with notes from the kids.  After I took it, I sat the kids down and told them that Great Grandma would not be getting better this time - that her body was wearing out and she was getting ready to go to Heaven.  There was mourning and sadness and a lot of conversations.
Mia went and drew her this picture and I sent it via email, also, and they printed it off for Betty.
Evie's supper time - loves the food.

This started Tuesday night and the grayness fit the somber mood of the house.

Wednesday, April 15th
This peaches woke up with a tuggy ear, but no other symptoms.  We've decided maybe she does have a little pressure, but also that she likes to play with one of her ears.  LOL
Look at those chiclet teeth though.
My favorite kindergartener this year.
Zayden has been going through a growth spurt and needing a short nap about every other day.  Mike took this picture of him snoozing with his babies.  Such a good daddy.

Thursday, April 16th
More school.  More surviving.  Mia's practicing counting by 5's.
Zayden sure loves his color by numbers.
The big kids started doing copy work of Bible verses, poems, and quotes.
Another cold day - we had to get out a fuzzy sweater.
The big kids were supposed to do a display board for the conservation department up here for the month of April.  Our display on Biomes and Ecosystems was a culmination of over six weeks of learning and they worked so hard on it.  They did a video presentation since they couldn't display their board and ecosystems.
It's long, but if you'd like to leave them some feedback, fast forward to the last couple minutes and listen to their short bits about their individual ecosystems.
Xavier had sent Grandma Betty a letter last Saturday.  He was very afraid it wouldn't arrive to her before she passed.  Penny text us Thursday afternoon with this picture and said she'd ready Grandma the letter.  Xavier's heart was at peace knowing it had arrived.
On Thursday night, Mike got the call late that Betty had passed.  We are forever thankful for her presence in our lives. 

Friday, April 17th
Even though Mike was to work from home Friday, I had him take a bereavement day.  We needed him and he needed us.  We sent the kids out to play in the snow (yes, snow again) after breakfast, and after they came in we pulled them together and told them of our loss.  I set out some new books and we talked about how we all grieve differently.  Some of us want to be alone, some want to be with people, some want to remember, some need a break and want to read or listen to music.  We had one grab a book initially, one go to draw at the table, one sat quietly with a sticker book, and then one escaped to her closet to write her feelings.  The rest of the day was filled with loving, grieving, crying, being together, and sharing memories.
We had everyone lay down and rest for an hour Friday afternoon.

Saturday, April 18th
I planned a memorial service for our family, to honor the influence Betty had in all of our lives.
In addition to these memories, before we ended the service in prayer, Xavier said, "Grandma never made it feel like it was a bad time to visit.  We were always welcome, no matter when." I don't want to forget that.

After we did the service mid morning, we were all able to kind of draw a deep breath, and move through the rest of our day.  My cousin came up with a care package and we were reminded that we are not alone, even though it feels lonely.

And that's a week.  We learned.  We hurt.  We pushed forward.  (I talked to my mom on the phone 1000 times.)  We survived.

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