Monday, March 16, 2020

An Evie Nancy Update (She Sits!)

This little bean is a busy, growing girl!  She keeps us on our toes while we're schooling.

She LOVES to eat and try new things.
Look at dem thighs.

She's very interested in books these days, especially touchy-feely ones.
Wednesday, March 11th
Officially able to get to sitting on her own!
Mama, did you see me?
She's also a great crawler now and gets anywhere she wants to go.
Snacks.  Loves. Food.
Sometimes she begs for breakfast with the kids.
We rearranged furniture to make a more closed off safe space for her but it left one opening, of course, because we have to get in and out too.  I thought I could lay her pop and play bag across it to stop her.  Ha.
Naps are getting better!!  Night is still a nightmare!
She loves herself.  #selflove
We love her, too.

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