Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Year 2020 {The First Days}

2020 has kind of come in like a lion....I hope it goes out like a lamb. 

A few pictures from us bringing in the year...
We started back to school on the 1st.  Mike was still home and it was nice to get into our routine with two adults in the house.
By the 2nd, Mia had a low grade fever and snots.  A solid day of rest in mom's bed, lots of fluids, and vitamins got her back on her feet quickly.
Well enough to do school. 😉
Preschool has been even more exciting with the colored glue the kids got for Christmas!
Playing with her baby doll.
She sucked on a toy so hard she blood blistered her own tongue.

I menu planned and Natalee and I grocery shopped for another month.
Friends were coming to play so I made a huge batch of breakfast burritos.  They weren't able to make it, but now we have a lot of freezer burritos all made up!!
We did hit 60 degrees one day this week.  It was windy but we all got out and got our vitamin D!
Mia is getting ready to read!
My kids usually eaten soft burrito shells with taco meat, but Zayden doesn't like them, so he has just been eating meat with a spoon for 3 years.  It occurred to me last night to offer him a hard shell (Xavier likes both, and we had hard shells on hand).  He loved his "big taco chip" and ate two!
The Vermeulen girls came to play this week and introduced my kids to the fortune teller/cootie catchers.  I had an Usborne book of them and we got it out and it's been a hoot x4 up here.
Chewing, chewing, chewing...
Yesterday we were pelted with rain, ice, snain, freezing rain...the works.  Now it is snowing.  Big flakes.
Zayden loves coffee. On Saturdays we let him have a half a cup.  He'll drink it black, but I put milk in it sometimes and he likes that, too.
Mia lost another tooth!! #3
Mia is very distressed about her dolly not having snow pants so I've been trying to help her out with some outgrown things of Ev's to borrow. 
I didn't let my kids go play in the frigid wonderland today.  Tomorrow we are supposed to go to MO and the weather isn't looking favorable for travel, but it is supposed to be warmer, so I thought we'd let them play then.
I did let the little two do this...
And that's about the biggest modge podge of a week and a half's events that you can muster.

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